Monday, January 15, 2024


Susah nak berlari bila dah lama sangat berehat..

Susah nak tulis, bila lama sangat dah tak menulis…

Ayat positif sikit

Lari sekarang dan biasakan..

Tulis sekarang dan hilangkan karatnya

-your 2030 self-

Monday, October 4, 2021

Fauzan's new vocab surprise!!!

One fine evening....
Sedang Pakngah Daus mencangkul, cari cacing untuk ikan peliharaan.
Fauzan wander around aimlessly and was suddenly enticed with his Pak Ngah's work..

Fauzan said:
"Paknah Paknah (means Pakngah)....
Kau buat apa tu?"

Semua orang snapped for 5 freaking seconds.... looking at him
And laugh about it, the entire hour.....

Snapped, sebab the new vocab 'kau' .....
Gelak sebab Fauzan's 'naiveness ..... when he looked at our face, not knowing what he said wrong.

P/s: It was his new vocab learned from friends. It's healthy for him to socialize, but it is important for us adults, to polish it a bit with a jolly and kids-friendly advice.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Hello again r@ge 😤

PreMenstrualSyndrom or PMS hits women the hardest, when they are already under great pressure..... home chores, kids, work, due dates, updates.... 

Fellow family members.... 
That week has come...
Stay away, to be safe....

Talk to them again after a few days...

Lots of love
-anonymous woman-

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Penyakit 'Gak nyambung' .......

Banyak norma baharu yang kita terpaksa adapt...  By force..

Online shopping bukan dikira sebagai norma baharu... 
Cuma, the pandemic has empower it's growth by shutting off the physical purchasing options... Leaving the virtual shopping as the only option available.

Bermulalah tradisi memilih barang dengan paranoid, dan membelek-belek bintang dan komen-komen pelanggan...
Data-data ini membantu kita menjauhi scammer dan bad services.

Of all the good and helpful input... Ada juga yang overjoyed upload gambar selain dpd produk dan tiada kaitan...

Not related to the product... 
Tiada kaitan, atau dalam bahasa indonesia nya...
'Gak nyambung'

Dear online shoppers.. 
Although none of these are helpful in anyway, to the future customers... I enjoyed it so much...

Long live norma baharu...
Dan norma damanhuri (tadak kaitan)
**Dah jangkit penyakit 'gak nyambung'**

Tengs for nothing...
Hahahaha 😆😆😆

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Just because you think, you can get away with it...

To the obvious muslim commenters, involved, 
you do not want your UGLY FIGURED DEED spend the rest of it's life next to you in your you?

May Allah have mercy on us all...

Muslim Yang Utama

عَنْ أَبِي مُوسَى رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ قَالُوا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ أَيُّ الْإِسْلَامِ أَفْضَلُ قَالَ مَنْ سَلِمَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ مِنْ لِسَانِهِ وَيَدِهِ

Daripada Abu Musa RA berkata: 'Wahai Rasulullah, Islam manakah yang paling utama?" Rasulullah SAW menjawab: "Siapa yang kaum Muslimin selamat dari lisan dan tangannya".(HR Bukhari No: 10) Status: Hadis Sahih


1.  Islam mengajar umatnya agar sentiasa memiliki akhlak yang mulia.

2.  Menjaga lisan daripada menuturkan sesuatu yang buruk terhadap orang Islam lain seperti mengumpat, menghina, mencela, mengadu domba dan lain-lain adalah dituntut.

3.  Memelihara tangan dari melakukan perbuatan keji dan menyakiti Muslim lain bukan hanya memukul malah termasuk menulis dan menyebarkan sesuatu yang berbentuk umpatan,  fitnah, menghina, mengadu domba dan lain-lain.

4.  Mudahnya orang pada hari ini melakukan dosa besar yang diterjemahkan dalam bentuk tulisan sesuatu yang mengaibkan peribadi seseorang, mengumpat, memfitnah, mengadu domba di media elektronik dan diviralkan seperti FB, Whatsapp, telegram, tanpa sedikitpun terdetik dihati bahawa apa yang diperkatakan, yang ditulis akan diminta pertanggungjawaban dihadapan Allah. Firman Allah:

p/s: no one gets away from Him! If you have no intention of becoming a professional Judge, wait till the license is in your hand... for Allah's sake... kindly back off..

Friday, August 20, 2021

Still Rocking Blogs... I know...

 I was trying to get into young minds...

They are fast in almost everything... especially with their virtual lives.

These centennials....

 Games and social media ..

They were driven by trending posts and deeply influenced by borderless, unruly, virtual free speech culture.

I'm still Rocking Blogs... I know... I'm old...


From a different angle...

How can we infiltrate within these mediums to snap a few things out,

to pave better alternatives and ways back for these young and bright souls...

Mom and  dad, blogger or not... Please help these poor young and naive souls..

Or they might ended up as Google certified doctors, sheikhs, philosophers etc, at a very young age..

or worst, being a Flat Earthers or worshipping Annunaki



Please Allah, guide and protect us ...

#My Quarantine Writing Therapy

Friday, August 13, 2021

Cr@zY thing people wish for~


I miss this bag... dah koyak...
Does anyone wants to buy me a new Targus?

Semua orang nak jump back to the old time, and mend things that couldn't be mended..
Reminiscing the past is not wrong.. it helps us to reaffirm our feelings of being who we are, and as a muslims, TO BE GRATEFUL about it...

I'm scolding myself right now, as I'm reminiscing and not benefiting from doing so...
Wishing to reduce a few pounds like old days
 but not acting on it!

Do not just react..
Act hooman!

p/s: this entry is my therapy, and just a self monologue..
do take the value, the anger was for me..