Saturday, August 17, 2019

I'm Screwed Up... What To Do?

Things goes right, it'll go unmentioned...
Things goes wrong, you screwed up.... that's it. Baam!

If it happens to you, here are some tips on what to do...

1. Express your problems, but don’t lose your temper.
2. Talk to your friends, but don’t drag them into your own fire.
3. Get opinions on solutions, but don’t let others make decisions for you.
4. Try to solve the problems, but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t.
5. Meet the issues head on, but don’t sit and dwell on them forever.
6. Give yourself space from the problem to figure things out, but don’t run from it.
7. Take things seriously when things go wrong, but don’t forget to have fun, too.

Thank You Allah for the blessing on each and every tiny effort that we put on. Most humans would overlooked, but NONE escape Your sight.

This helpful guide had helped me
Now help yourselves with it...


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