Thursday, March 20, 2025


 A boy named Umer... My ex-student,

Anak soleh. Anak cemerlang all A...

Brightest IGCSE star at that time, and extremely humble...

I've once asked him about what he wanted to do with his life..

Katanya, nak jadi Ulama' ( shocked me to the core, for I've never encountered any teenager in my entire life, that has the same dream as his)

"Tapi, akan jadi doktor dulu, to fulfil my parent's wish..." katanya selamba.. (shocked me again)

Knowing his parents, 

🌹The family's best companions at home are books and books and books.... no junkie reading and magazines..

🌹 Their main topic of conversation are books,  scholars and critical ideas.. 

🌹His older brother is into old Malay books (I taught him for one year)

🌹His younger brother is into poems and arts

🌹They have their future laid out and decided by both their parents... sekolah, university, courses to be taken and future career and place they will live in... (seriously)

🌹 I called him 'an old man, masked in a boy's face' as he caught me hearing Nessum Dorma, and confessed himself as an opera fan too.. 

Unik keluarga ni... dan mengumkan!


Walaupun ketetapan Allah yang Maha Agung itu, tidak seperti yang kita impi dan doakan kadang-kadang, 

TETAP, itulah yang yang terbaik untuk kita.. kerana Allah Maha Melihat dan Maha Tahu...

namun, perancangan dan usaha tu masih penting ... 

untuk kita yang buta dan tidak tahu ini...


I wish you all well...

p/s: vincero!!

choice of book:

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